Friday, August 15, 2008

Recent activities: Moving and bowling

Woa, it's the second post. Don't fall over just yet. =0)
We've had a lot going on since the last post.... Mostly moving stuff from my mom and dad's to our new place.
Let's see what has transpired. Well, as I said, a lot of moving stuff. We've had a lot of help with moving our lovely crap from family and friends. We so appreciate it!! You all are awesome!
Before I go on; this is our new home for the time being. It's cute and has a nice yard. When you walk in... put it this way; if you've ever been to my mom and dad's place (Ed & Heidi), which I'm sure most, if not all, of you family members have, feels like you're walking into their house, but on a smaller scale.

I will show some before and afters of the rooms we've done, but that will come at a later time. In the last post I mentioned we had gone bowling for Trev's b-day. We had a lot of fun. I know I had a lot of fun beating David. Hahahaha He has assured me we are going to have a rematch. Anyway, we went to Fat Cats as per Trev's request.

Trev taking a quick pose before he takes his turn.

The alley... The pins...

The bowler... The ball...
The release... The gutter...
It took him a few tries, but he managed to get a pretty good score for not bowling for a long time.The main thing is that he had fun doing what he wanted to do for his birthday and that was accomplished. =0)

Dad giving him a few pointers.

The release and...

He was pretty lucky the rest of the night with the way the pins fell. Between turns, David and I would disappear and just before we started the second game we brought over a surprise for "T".



Ali said...

Congrats on your new home! How exciting :) We're so happy for you.

Happy, Happy Birthday to Trevor! Bowling is a family favorite for us as well.

Emily said...

I haven't been bowling for SO long. I am terrible at it, but it's fun anyway. It looks like Trevor had a ball, a bowling ball. Ha ha ha. I know I'm terribly funny. Well, I'm not. But Darin is out of town and it's just lucky me with all 5 kids for two days every week. Sound exhausting? yes, it is!