Thursday, September 18, 2008

Where does the time go?

Time flies when you wonder what having fun is all about.
A lot has gone on since the last post. Yeap, we're still unpacking and going through boxes. You know the drill... do ya keep it or do ya chuck it? Decisions decisions!
Trevor is off to a good start in a new school. The first day was hard, but that's to be expected. He was all smiles when I picked him up from school and has been ever since. That's a relief off my mind. The first parent teacher conferences are coming up. Never have liked those things, but oh well. What can ya do?

For Labor day weekend we decided to invade Moab and the Arches. We were bound and determined to hike up to Delicate Arch and by darn we did it! We hiked it in an hour and back down in an hour. Gorgeous and picturesque! It was a hard hike and boy did we feel it after, but it was all worth it. We hiked a few of the smaller hikes and got some nice pictures. Have to share those later too.
I celebrated the anniversary of my birthday, as dad would say... cause you only get ONE birthday. (Katie and I share the same b-day so Happy Belated, Cuz!!) In our little family, it's your day to choose what you want to do for your birthday and what you want for dinner etc. Well, my wish was to see Les Miserables at the Tuacahn. I had never seen it. We did go and I enjoyed it thoroughly!! Such power in the music! WOW!! It was incredible and yes, there were tears! We were able to meet most of the actors and Trevor had them all sign his program. He thought that was pretty cool.
I can't believe how fast this month has flown. We're getting ready to do some scaring and what not up at This is The Place Heritage Park. The three of us and possibly dad are participating in the Haunted Village up there again this year. We are soooo excited! What's great about it is that a lot of the houses up there are REALLY haunted. Believe me...I had my own experiences up there!! I'm looking forward to this Fall and Winter's activities, since I didn't get to work or spend any time up there during the summer because of my schooling. Come up and see us! It starts Oct. 10. Ask Katie about it... she and a friend were there last year!

David is on his way to California right about now, along with dad. Something with their camera surveillance biz. They won't be gone too long, but I still hate it when he goes out of town. So if you're bored and can't sleep at 3 a.m. you can call me cause I won't be sleeping. Hahahaha
Have a lovely, everyone!!!